Sunday, August 22, 2010

We are here to change the world!

Exciting news! I have now officially found out where I will be working the next few months. Drum roll please...

Astro Orbiters and Captain EO!

Frankly, I was happy with anything other than Autopia, but the fact that I get Captain EO right off the bat is pretty cool. Funny story about those pesky orbiters though...

Once upon a time, Dan, Rebecca and I decided it would be fun to try to go on every ride in Disneyland in ONE DAY. Crazy, I know. But come 11:58pm we only had one ride left to complete our quest! We rush to the Astro Orbiters and arrive with a minute to spare - but alas, the jerk off cast member closing the ride refuses to let us on. We plead with him and explain our plight...this was after all, our last ride in a near impossible day! But he refused to relent, and midnight passed without us getting on the ride. HOWEVER. We still claim we got through all the rides because if it weren't for the jerk on the Astro Orbiters, we totally could have done it! So we decided that ride doesn't exist. Therefore, I am now working on a ride that doesn't exist. :)

Anyway, training starts Wednesday and I'm very excited (even though I have a 5am shift on Thursday. Barf) Today was our "Welcome To" class which was probably the longest and most tedious thing I've done here- and it really wasn't that bad. A lot of sitting through lecture, but then we got to take another tour of the park and even ride Buzz Lightyear! (Where I whooped everyones BUTTS by the way)

So now two days off to play in the park, make friends and get my voice back! Then it's off to watch Michael Jackson change the world for 5 months :)


  1. whoa, a ride that doesn't really exist. my goodness, what will disney think of next??!!
