Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jamaica, Bahamas, come on pretty mama

Hello friends! Since moving to Orlando I have been attending church at First Baptist Orlando, and God has been making huge waves in my life. He has been pushing me to do more work in His ministry and spread the gospel to everyone I meet. I joined a group of college students that witnesses to the Disney College Program students through bible studies, dinner nights, and handing out breakfast at the bus stop at 6am. I’m not sleeping much, but I have never felt so awake.

Most recently God has called me to join First Baptist’s college group Amp’d on a mission trip to Jamaica this July. We are going to be working with Won by One to Jamaica ministries and living in the small community of Harmons, assisting with physical labor, caring for the children, and witnessing to the people of Jamaica. I cannot wait to see what lessons God has to teach me through this experience, and I am thrilled for yet another opportunity to show His love to people who may have never seen it before.

Now a trip like this takes a lot of support, and that’s what I’m coming to you for. More than anything I need your encouragement and prayer, but should you feel compelled, a monetary donation towards my travel would be greatly appreciated. Each student has to raise $1,425 by July (not an easy feat), so every little bit counts. I would also greatly appreciate if you would share my situation with friends or family that may be willing to offer their support (spiritual or otherwise). Any spare funds I raise will be applied towards the other students accompanying me on this journey, so nothing will go to waste!

I hope all is well with you – if you need to ask any further questions or contact me, please do it by email ( or phone (408 460 8255). God bless!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Good morning, friends! Happy Ash Wednesday! Would that be the proper terminology? Happy Ash Wednesday? Regardless, you're reading this right now because you are curious about why I'm saying goodbye to facebook. Well, for the next 46 days, I am going to be facebook free. (And TV free for that matter too)

I've been working on actively seeking Christ every moment of every day, and to be perfectly honest, facebook and television are a huge distraction. My goal for this next month and a half is that whenever I want to watch a TV show or surf facebook, instead I will do a Bible study, or read a book, or say a prayer, or have some worship time. The purpose of Lent is to turn our minds to God. To take these vices that we have made into idols and replace them with time with God.

It's definitely going to be difficult. Even now I find myself wanting to check and see if anyone posted comments on my new pictures, or update a status about my day. But what is that achieving really? I'm hoping that through this fast I will become a more complete person through the study of scripture and unlimited alone time with my Lord and Savior.

If you need to reach me I will still be readily accessible through email and my phone, and I also plan on updating this blog with what I'm learning and going through. So stay tuned!

And now I bid you adieu. Pray for me friends, and see you in 46 days.

Friday, March 4, 2011

May the Force be with you

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. And I mean that in the least possible cliche way.

It started out at 8am signing in for the Star Wars Weekends auditions. I got measured at 70" on the nose (I guess no more faking that I'm 5'9") and then waited around until 10 o'clock before my group finally got called in. They stood us in 5 rows, turned on some music, and then stared us down, row by row. Now, I was nervous. I had been told that they usually only take a few people from each group, and what were the chances that I would be one of them? Good golly I wanted this though, so I stood tall and proud and tried to exude as many evil vibes as I could.

I guess it worked, because they pulled me and two other girls! First we were sent to the movement audition where they taught us poses and talked to us about our characters. My character was a sheer evil baby eater that wields a dual lightsaber (that can also split down the middle and become 2). I got to walk around like I owned the place, sneer, and act like I was having a lightsaber duel. Could life get any better? The casting directors seemed to like me a lot, so they also had me try some movement for a certain bounty hunter that could have been a jedi, but didn't have the control to master the force. Now she has it out for the Jedi and also serves as a mentor/caretaker of young Boba Fett. After I moved like her, they sent me to cosmetology and wardrobe to get better acquainted with her and the dark Jedi I had been portraying earlier.

I ended up staying until about 1:30 so I could show the casting directors both looks, and by george, I think I nailed both of those auditions! It was so much fun putting away my happy go lucky guest relations smile and pulling out the evil sneer. I didn't have to be nice to anyone - in fact, I was encouraged to be straight up mean! At the end of the audition, one of the directors told me that I make one "creepy broad". Definitely have to add that to my resume.

The final question they asked me was "does this sound like something that would be fun to you?"

Oh, if only they knew exactly HOW much fun it would be for me. I tried to explain as best I could (even mentioning my RD LEEDR license plate). At the end of the day though, I was just so happy to be so close to the Star Wars universe for a while. As I told some of my friends, it was like every little girl's dream to dress up like a princess coming true, only I was bald and super evil.

I never did like being normal :)

So now I wait to find out if I'm approved to be friends with either of those characters. If I am, I expect a mass exodus to Florida. Star Wars Weekends are happening the last two weekends in May and the first two in June. Come see me be friends with her:

or her: