Saturday, June 25, 2011

Today was one of the best days I've ever had working for Disney.

First of all, Disney always gives me the best trainers. Seriously. I've been so lucky with having some of the most encouraging, knowledgeable, supportive trainers in the world. Julie, you were great.

I spent the morning working on some land positions and having a ball joking with guests about the safari lasting 2 weeks. Then after lunch came the moment of truth - the first live safari.

That's right...this afternoon I took guests out on a real live safari. I drove, I spieled, I rocked.

Immediately after that, I gave my last safari.

That's right folks, today was my third and last day at Kilimanjaro Safaris. Turns out my anosmia (lack of smell) is a disability after all. See, out there on the reserve, we're completely alone in our trucks. Sure we have guests, but it would be irresponsible to rely on them for safety issues. Let's say my propane tank started leaking. Could I smell it? Nope.

Management had to call safety and because this has been an issue in the past, KSR can no longer allow me to be part of their attraction. To put it lightly, I am bummed.

But I'm staying positive. Silver lining, God closing a door and opening a window and all that.

Management at KSR is absolutely wonderful - they're about as upset as I am that I can't stay, and they're looking to put me somewhere close by where I can still spiel about animals to my heart's content. And hey, now I won't have to be as concerned with safety issues, right?

So to all who wanted to ride my safari, you're out of luck. Only about 40 people will ever get that privilege. But I will always remember my days as a Game Driver in the Harambe Wildlife Reserve.

Kwa Herini KSR

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