Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Life at the Harambe Wildlife Reserve

Jambo everyone!

My internship is officially over. Basta. Finito. No longer am I a floating head in the Walt Disney Corporation - as of Sunday I am an official part time cast member. I have a seniority date and everything!

Starting now until who knows when, I will be a safari guide at the Kilimanjaro Safaris attraction in Disney's Animal Kingdom. I am so excited I might pee myself.

1. I love animals.
Giraffes, elephants, little Tommies and most of all, the elusive Okapi, who I relate to because of its antisocial ways. I get to watch these animals all day, every day, and I cannot wait.

2. I get to spiel!
Good grief have I missed spieling or what! I mean, I turned Captain EO and the Astro Orbitor into spieling attractions (be it my horrible Michael Jackson jokes or silly astro Christmas carols), so clearly talking in front of people is something I'm pretty passionate about. Each safari is about 20-25 minutes long, and seeing as the animals are real and not animatronic, each round is going to be completely different from the last. Time to get used to thinking on my feet again!

3. It's in a park!
While I really enjoyed the experiences working at Downtown Disney gave me, I realized that I just don't have a connection with Walt Disney World. Disneyland is and always will be my home. Even when things were difficult there, I felt connected to the place, and it was easier to get past the negatives. It's been more difficult to do that here because I don't love the resort in the same way. My hope for this role is that it will help me develop that bond with Orlando and everything we have to offer here so that it's easier to push past the difficulties I will inevitably face.

Things that are gonna be tough? Driving a massive truck...sitting in that heat! The fact that I'm part-time and need more hours to pay my rent...

But despite any apprehensions I'm feeling, I know that I am thoroughly going to enjoy this change. I think I'm addicted to it (change that is).

My social life these past few days has been bustling because I haven't had work, and while I've really enjoyed all the playing, I'm also ready to get back to work! I'm also participating in Encore! Cast Choir which is a musical revue that's performing at the end of July/beginning of August.

So it looks like I will indeed be staying in Florida for some time. I'm excited to see what she has to offer!

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