Friday, February 24, 2012

Friends in Faith

Would Jesus want to hang out with me? If I invited Him over for dinner, would He come?

It says in Mark 2 that Jesus came for the sinners- not the righteous. I know I have felt judged for who I keep company with. That I've dated non Christians. That some of my best friends refuse to go to church with me. But I love them anyway.

Then again, I also don't minister to them.

I get so nervous to offend. I don't want to make our friendship uncomfortable by pushing my faith on them. Jesus never feared backlash. He showed God's love to everyone he met, but he also did not hesitate to speak the truth. He said the hard things and people did not always respond well. Clearly.

I guess I'm just so scared of losing relationships over my faith. Of pushing people away. And it all comes down to a lack of trust in God. His plan is so much bigger than mine. And it's not my job to convert everyone I meet. God will open their hears- not me. But it is my job to be honest and open with my friends and family. To sit with my fellow sinners and never stop speaking of God's love and forgiveness.

1 comment:

  1. Hadn't read your blog in a while, and I'm glad I happened to today. I am right there with you on this. I've had some interesting opportunities to speak about what I believe in recently with some of my current castmates, but I feel like I've totally let those chances pass me by, it's frustrating. It's just really difficult sometimes, but what it really comes down to is that I need to trust God more and be bold. Let's do that, ok?
