Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hang on to your hats and glasses - cuz this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness!!!

Right now I should be writing a research paper on the rhetoric and ideologies of FDR. It's due in just over 24 hours and I haven't really even started. I mean, that's not really a new trend for me - I usually write papers the day before. And I have done some research, so I think I should be ready to start writing the actual paper in an hour or so.

But I just can't find the motivation. I graduate in just over a week, and this is one of the last assignments I have left. I have to give a speech, write this paper, and take my final. And then basta. No more college. Ok that's a lie...I have to write a large paper this summer to complete my requirements, but I just can't seem to bring myself to acknowledge that yet. I desperately want to be a part of the graduation hype, and as long as I still have work to do this summer, I can't!

I don't really know what to do about the whole classes aspect of the CP. I feel like there are definitely some interesting things I could learn from them, but the idea of taking more classes and having homework again after I've been so looking forward to being done makes me feel sick to my stomach. I've never been a big fan of could I possibly go back when I've just finished?

I guess it's just something I'll have to figure out once August rolls around.

1 comment:

  1. I would suggest taking the Leadership Speaker Series. I took it when I was at DLR, and its a really awesome class. It basically consists of a different manager each week from Disney coming and lecturing. It didn't have homework or anything, and it rarely ran as long as scheduled. Plus, it doesn't cost anything, so why not right?
