I am not typically one to publicly voice my beliefs and opinions. I firmly subscribe to the thought that if someone wants to know what I think, they'll ask.
That being said, something has stirred my soul and prompted me to share with the internet world.
The social networking scene has been inundated with posts shouting about bigotry, name calling, mud slinging, and general aggressive language. Now, I know that gay marriage and the policies that surround it are a very sensitive topic. This post is not intended to preach one side or the other, and I hope that anyone who reads it can support my intentions. So for a few moments, please put aside your own agenda, and instead focus on the people.
The fight for equal rights for human kind has been going on for centuries, and I expect it to continue until humanity implodes on itself. We are never going to convince the entire world to follow one way of thinking - and isn't that what's beautiful about our individuality? I wholeheartedly believe that everyone has a right to their own opinion and should be allowed to express those beliefs...especially when they're vastly different from my own. How else can I learn and grow?
Rather than responding to a belief that offends us with anger or hate, we must look to that person as a fellow member of the human race who is just as entitled to their pursuit of happiness as you or I am. You cannot preach equality and then refuse to give it.
I'm not writing this to say "stop speaking your mind. you're offending me", because i LOVE it when you speak your mind! All I am asking is that the next time you feel the desire to post a scathing comment about someone's way of life, perhaps think of a more loving way to say it.
We must assume the best in people, otherwise we will receive nothing but the worst.
I especially ask this in light of election season coming up. Debate to your heart's content, but please remember that underneath those hateful words is a person who is being attacked. A person that deserves love.
Because hatred cannot walk hand in hand with equality.
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