"The tradition of Lent- a forty day sacrifice- is one way of mourning the death that sin has caused in our lives."
Reading about Adam and Eve's expulsion from the garden is difficult. We see God's amazing love for us- that He provided us with companionship and unlimited life. And how do we thank Him? By disobeying His one command. Because we think we deserve to be like Him. I find that my own struggles with sin and separation from God almost always stem from my search for control. Every time I try to take the reigns and make things happen in my life, I end up feeling completely helpless and alone. Pretty much the opposite result of what I was looking for.
So God does punish us for being headstrong and disobedient, but He also demonstrates His undeniable love and forgiveness when he makes Adam and Eve clothing before they go. Yes, He sent them into a barren wasteland, but He did not send them unprepared.
I can't help but feel I'm in my own barren wasteland. Not that Disneyland is torture- in fact I'm cautiously optimistic about my future. But I do feel like I haven't included God in all my decision making lately, and consequently I'm suffering due to the separation.
This time of sacrifice and struggle has been essential in my habit building and journey to complete reliance on God. Genesis 3 is a great chapter to read whenever I start to get too big for my britches. Which is often.